

  文/北京集佳知識產(chǎn)權(quán)代理有限公司西安分部 潘紅




  為了避免專利審查的不當延遲而縮短專利有效期限,美國國會于1999年在美國發(fā)明人保護法(AIPA)中對專利期限調(diào)整做了相應(yīng)規(guī)定,即,專利期限調(diào)整(Patent Term Adjustment, PTA)。美國專利商標局(USPTO)在頒發(fā)專利證書時會對有需要進行專利期限調(diào)整的專利調(diào)整相應(yīng)的專利保護期限。下面將結(jié)合美國專利法中對PTA的規(guī)定來對美國專利期限調(diào)整進行簡要介紹。






  (A)GUARANTEE OF PROMPT PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE RESPONSES.—Subject to the limitations under paragraph(2),if the issue of an original patent is delayed due to the failure of the Patent and Trademark Office to—

 ?。╥)provide at least one of the notifications under section 132 or a notice of allowance under section 151 not later than 14 months after(I)the date on which an application was filed under section 111(a); or(II)the date of commencement of the national stage under section 371 in an international application;

 ?。╥i)respond to a reply under section 132, or to an appeal taken under section 134, within 4 months after the date on which the reply was filed or the appeal was taken;

 ?。╥ii)act on an application within 4 months after the date of a decision by the Patent Trial and Appeal Board under section 134 or 135 or a decision by a Federal court under section 141, 145, or 146 in a case in which allowable claims remain in the application; or

  (iv)issue a patent within 4 months after the date on which the issue fee was paid under section 151 and all outstanding requirements were satisfied; the term of the patent shall be extended 1 day for each day after the end of the period specified in clause(i),(ii),(iii),or(iv), as the case may be, until the action described in such clause is taken.

  (B)GUARANTEE OF NO MORE THAN 3-YEAR APPLICATION PENDENCY.— Subject to the limitations under paragraph(2), if the issue of an original patent is delayed due to the failure of the United States Patent and Trademark Office to issue a patent within 3 years after the actual filing date of the application under section 111(a)in the United States or, in the case of an international application, the date of commencement of the national stage under section 371 in the international application not including—

  (i)any time consumed by continued examination of the application requested by the applicant under section 132(b);

 ?。╥i)any time consumed by a proceeding under section 135(a), any time consumed by the imposition of an order under section 181, or any time consumed by appellate review by the Patent Trial and Appeal Board or by a Federal court; or

 ?。╥ii)any delay in the processing of the application by the United States Patent and Trademark Office requested by the applicant except as permitted by paragraph(3)(C), the term of the patent shall be extended 1 day for each day after the end of that 3-year period until the patent is issued.

  (C)GUARANTEE OR ADJUSTMENTS FOR DELAYS DUE TO DERIVATION PROCEEDINGS, SECRECY ORDERS, AND APPEALS.— Subject to the limitations under paragraph(2), if the issue of an original patent is delayed due to—

 ?。╥)a proceeding under section 135(a);

 ?。╥i)the imposition of an order under section 181; or

  (iii)appellate review by the Patent Trial and Appeal Board or by a Federal court in a case in which the patent was issued under a decision in the review reversing an adverse determination of patentability,

  the term of the patent shall be extended 1 day for each day of the pendency of the proceeding, order, or review, as the case may be.




  “C”延遲,當申請涉及爭議或申訴,或保密要求時,任何由于向?qū)@麑徟泻蜕显V委員會上訴(appeals),溯源訴訟程式(derivation proceedings),或者保密命令(secrecy orders)而導致的延誤也被記入專利期限調(diào)整,這也被稱為PTAB規(guī)則。






 ?。╥)The period of adjustment of the term of a patent under paragraph(1)shall be reduced by a period equal to the period of time during which the applicant failed to engage in reasonable efforts to conclude prosecution of the application.

  (ii)With respect to adjustments to patent term made under the authority of paragraph (1)(B), an applicant shall be deemed to have failed to engage in reasonable efforts to conclude processing or examination of an application for the cumulative total of any periods of time in excess of 3 months that are taken to respond to a notice from the Office making any rejection, objection, argument, or other request, measuring such 3-month period from the date the notice was given or mailed to the applicant.

 ?。╥ii)The Director shall prescribe regulations establishing the circumstances that constitute a failure of an applicant to engage in reasonable efforts to conclude processing or examination of an application.






 ?。ˋ)IN GENERAL.— To the extent that periods of delay attributable to grounds specified in paragraph(1)overlap, the period of any adjustment granted under this subsection shall not exceed the actual number of days the issuance of the patent was delayed.

  (B)DISCLAIMED TERM.— No patent the term of which has been disclaimed beyond a specified date may be adjusted under this section beyond the expiration date specified in the disclaimer. 延遲重疊的天數(shù)是指上述“A”延遲與“B”延遲之間重疊的天數(shù)?!睹绹鴮@ā返?54(b)(2)條規(guī)定,存在延遲重疊的,專利調(diào)整期限的天數(shù)不能超出專利授權(quán)所延誤的實際天數(shù)。根據(jù)美國專利商標局的解釋,任何對“B”延遲有影響的“A”延遲,都屬于延遲重疊。

  該專利期限調(diào)整是從專利到期日開始計算的,專利到期日加上計算出的實際PTA的天數(shù)即為最終該專利申請的保護期限。需要注意的是,凡適用期末放棄(terminal disclaimer)原則的案件均不適用此專利期限調(diào)整;對于其母案已獲得專利期限調(diào)整的分案,也不適用此專利期限調(diào)整。




  1.《美國專利法》35 U.S.C.154;





